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  • Kat Newell

This Is Me

Hi! And thank you for checking out my brand new blog. I've felt an inner calling to begin writing out my thoughts and feelings lately. Have I ever done this before? No. Do I have any idea what I'm doing? Absolutely not. But hey, if it calms the inner soul, then it has to be a good thing, right?

My name is Kat and I've discovered the power of spirituality. The goal of this blog is to share my experiences and knowledge and to subsequently teach you all what I am learning. We'll explore ideals such as yoga, chakra alignment, reiki, meditation, the spiritual realm and so much more. No topic is off limits, but first, allow yourself to get to know me a little better.

I'm a pretty laid back girl with a southern soul. I appreciate down-time in the morning with cinnamon flavored coffee, walks in the wilderness with my wild-child pup, homecooked meals (and deserts,) and snuggles with my husband. I've been through a lot in my life; had some really difficult times. And those life-changing experiences have led me to a life of sobriety and spiritual connection. I quit drinking alcohol all together 3 1/2 years ago - hands down the best decision I've ever made.

I'm originally from Jacksonville, FL. My husband and I had a short stint in Denver, CO, but realized very quickly that Denver wasn't for us, so we moved right back to the south and have recently settled down in Raleigh, NC. I couldn't be happier here. People are nice, considerate and caring. Hence, the community has a welcoming feel - something I feel most communities lack.

Life has been insane lately. Right before we moved to Raleigh, I was let go from my corporate job with as a result of something one of my employees pulled while on shift. I filed a lawsuit against the powerhouse and won. I'm trying to let go of the past and not remain bitter, but it's hard sometimes, you know?

I've always had a go-getter, entrepreneurial spirit. When we moved here, I had full intentions of starting my own business, getting married, having babies and staying home to take care of the munchkins, all while pursuing my dreams. Well, want to know how to make God laugh? Yeah - you know the rest.

My husband was in school for coding and data science. We had a plan - once he was done with school, he would get an amazing job making plenty of money to take care of our family, and life would be splendid! Well, school ended up not working out and life hit us like a freight train. Suddenly we're in several thousand dollars in debt, neither one of us have a job, my business is the epitome of failure and we had no idea where to go from there.

On top of everything, the hardest part is that we are struggling to get pregnant (which I'll discuss further in blog articles to follow.)

Things are finally starting to look up, but life is not easy. That's why I'm starting this blog - so that I can share my life experiences and relate to people who are going through similar situations. I feel like social media is flooded with happiness and love and joy and perfection and don't get me wrong, I love watching my friends thrive and keeping up with new babies and beach weddings. But lets be real - life isn't always chocolate chip cookies and lady bugs. Life is TOUGH. And we have to find ways to deal. So, why not deal together?



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